Join the community

Whether you are the app factory of an Internet Service Provider, a mobile or a web agency willing to step into the iTV world or and IPTV pure payer you can join today the growing and active community of Netgem Development Partners.

Join us in three simple steps

1) Get set!

Ask us about our Third Party Development Program Agreement. Upon signature of the agreement we will send you the login information to get full access to Netgem SDK.

2) Ready!

Read our tutorials and online documentation or attend a training session.

3) Go!

Develop and deploy your favorite apps on TV.


"JavaScript-based language from Netgem’s SDK significantly shortened our learning curve for developing for the Netgem platform. This proved really important when we were building the Grooveshark music app for Telekom Slovenia since we were working to a very short timeframe. Using Netgem’s SDK, we were also able to create a complete set of applications such as News, sport results, weather forecasts and mobile video sharing that we are now looking to sell on to other Netgem customers."
Mr Matev Pogacnik, CEO Multimedia Vision
"The Netgem’s SDK has enabled us to bring our vision for interactive-TV offerings to market more quickly and cost-effectively. Joint customers such as Telekom Slovenia and Telstra have already benefitted from this development."
Fredrik Andersson, VP Business Development Accedo Broadband
"We have built a great relationship with Netgem based on mutual trust and knowledge sharing. The previous version of Netgem’s SDK was of great help when we developed the User Interface for Toshiba Places and also for our Web apps, such as Dailymotion and Flickr. These demanding multimedia applications illustrate the maturity of the Netgem SDK to port Internet content to the TV screen."
Olivier Cechura, CEO Wiztivi